Coach Directory
Toyinda L. Smith
Toyinda assists individuals and groups in reshaping their mindset, reigniting their enthusiasm, and realigning their path to success. She has authored three books: The Handbook to Unleash Your Potential, The Handbook to Dominate Your Confidence, and the Handbook to Coach Yourself. Toyinda's expertise is evident in her transformational engagements with high-profile clients. In her role as a business consultant and coach, Toyinda provides valuable assistance to coaches who are either initiating their business journey or facing challenges in their existing operations. Her primary aim is to help them gain a clearer understanding and direction for their business. With this focus, they can then concentrate on activities that will generate income. To achieve this, Toyinda employs techniques from both consulting and coaching fields. The blend of these methods ensures these coaches have a robust strategy to overcome hurdles and maximize their revenue.
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