Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle three
Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle Three
Read the entire post here.

Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle two
Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle Two
Read the entire post here.

Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle One
Kaizen Insight for Practitioners of Self-Coaching: Principle One
Read the entire post here.

TEDx Evans Street
Bravery Determines Whether You're Active or Inactive
Click the image to watch the video. Read the TEDx article here.

“The TEDxEvansStreet event will be live again this year after going virtual because of COVID in 2020…The event, titled “Polarity,” will present speakers with diversity in ages, races, backgrounds, and experiences, all with one thing in common — daring to think about and do something out of the box for thought leadership.

Children’s Trust Of South Carolina
“[Toyinda] was straightforward in her mission to help the participants uncover their goals for themselves and equip them with practical strategies to solve problems…”

AB Newswire
“Master coach, global speaker, and business consultant Toyinda L. Smith has unveiled a professional business development bestseller titled The Coaching Posture.”

Purdue University
“For Toyinda Smith, leadership begins with relationships – and it’s these relationships that have helped define her journey from Purdue student to successful alumna.”

Purdue University
“As a track and field champion at Purdue, Toyinda Smith’s Giant Leap was walking on the team as a thrower and putting in the hard work to achieve her dreams. She now has transformed those lessons into a passion as a leadership consultant.”