Date Certified: 3/2020
Type of Coach: Transformational Coach
Bio: Coach Von is a Certified Transformational Life and Mental Health Professional with years of experience helping people recover from mental health issues. As a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Coach Evonne helps her clients to overcome limiting beliefs, negative influences and internal/external distractions causing them not to become the best version of themselves. Coach Von uses evidence based practices to help the individuals she serves to function at higher self level.
Social Media Avenues:
Facebook: MINDFUL Moments: MINDFULNESS EMPOWEMENT FOR WOMEN and Creative Journiesllc
IG: @coachvon.20_20
Website: creativelifejourniesllc.com
I coach women to let go off the Imposter Syndrome strong hold so they can become the best version of themselves.
My coaching certification has helped me to be a better mental health therapist. I am able to better use my platforms to education, empower and enlighten those who are struggling with limiting beliefs.
Mindfulness Relaxation, overcoming limiting beliefs into transforming new self journeys , and influencing paradigm shift to help those become the best version of themselves is how I'm using my certification.